Main reasons to invest and to trade in/with Albania.

Favorable Environment


Attractive Schemes

Albania offers a very friendly legislation as regards to foreign investors.

The legislation in force for Foreign Investments is based on the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination and protection of the foreign investments.

There are several important aspects that we can mention that favor and protect foreign investments, such as:

  • There is no need for prior authorization from the government for the foreigners that want to establish a business in Albania
  • There are no limitations in the share of foreign participation in Albanian companies and 100% foreign ownership is possible
  • Foreign investors have the right to expatriate all funds and contributions of their investment, in kind
  • They are permitted and treated based on conditions not less favorable than those afforded to domestic investments in similar circumstances, except land ownership, which is regulated by special law
  • In any case, foreign investments are not treated any less favourably than foreseen by generally accepted norms of international law
  • A company with foreign investment participation has the right to employ foreign citizens as well
  • Foreign investments are protected by law from direct or indirect expropriation or nationalization measures, except for special cases defined by law in the interest of public use
  • In all cases and at any time, investments are treated equally and impartially, and enjoy complete protection and security.


Albania has a very favourable geographical position and has a significant potential for renewable energy sources such as:

  • Hydro potential. Albania has a considerable hydropower potential, where only 35% of it is utilized.
  • The wind energy. The wind energy constitutes a potential opportunity for power production in Albania.
  • Solar energy. On clear weather, in many areas of Albania, every square meter of the horizontal surface of this area may absorb around 2200 kWh per year.
  • Geothermal energy. Geothermal energy sources in Albania are estimated as warm water sources of the underground layers of the earth, which have a sufficient temperature to be used as an energy source.


Albania is rich in natural resources such as oil, gas, chrome, copper, bitumen, gypsum and wood.


Albania is a welcoming, attractive and authentic destination for sustainable development of  economic, natural and social of the country.

Tourism in Albania consists of the following sub-sectors:

  • Coastal Tourism (coastal and maritime tourism). The Albanian coast has a considerable extension with a length of 400km of coastline.
  • Nature tourism. Albania is appreciated by many operators and international visitors for its beautiful nature and landscapes.
  • Thematic tourism. Specific forms of tourism, such as Agritourism, Event and Business Tourism, Cultural Tourism (heritage, history, faith, etc.), Gastronomy Tourism and Health Tourism (thermal, wellness and medical), etc.


The Albanian government intends to transform the “Made in Albania” brand into a certified and trusted brand in the international market.

The main agricultural products in Albania are tobacco, figs, olives, wheat, corn, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, grapes, meat, honey, dairy products, and traditional and aromatic medicinal plants.


Albania has a strong and vibrant manufacturing sector, which is led by quite successful enterprises in the textile and footwear industries.

Having this excellent experience and skilled workforce, Albania offers great potential to diversify its economy, moving from the textile and footwear industry to the automotive industry.


Information and communications technology (ICT) and business process outsourcing (BPO)

Albania has transformed into a major destination for ICT-BPO services with its urban culture, availability of resources, infrastructure and attractive Investment Incentives.