Membership Termination Policies

Last Updated: 01.02.2024

This Termination Policies document outlines the procedures and conditions associated with the termination of membership at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Albania India (“CCIAI”).

  1. Termination of Membership

1.1 Voluntary Termination: Any member may terminate their membership at any time by providing written notice to CCIAI. The termination will become effective upon receipt of the written notice.

1.2 No Obligations: Members terminating their membership voluntarily shall have no further obligations towards CCIAI, except in cases where the member has unfairly benefited from income or other material goods on account of CCIAI.

1.3 Unfair Benefits: In cases where a member has unfairly benefited from income or other material goods on account of CCIAI, the member has a legal obligation to return such benefits to CCIAI.

  1. Legal Consequences

2.1 Criminal Offenses: Depending on the circumstances, the unfair retention of income or material goods obtained from CCIAI may constitute a criminal offense, including but not limited to theft, fraud, or other applicable offenses.

2.2 Legal Action: CCIAI reserves the right to take legal action to recover any unfairly obtained benefits and pursue remedies available under the law.

  1. Notice of Termination

3.1 Written Notice: Members terminating their membership voluntarily are required to provide written notice to CCIAI. The notice should include the effective date of termination and any relevant details.

3.2 Acknowledgment: CCIAI will acknowledge receipt of the termination notice in writing, confirming the effective date of termination.

  1. Return of Property

4.1 Return of CCIAI Property: Upon termination, members shall promptly return any CCIAI property, including documents, materials, or any other items in their possession that belong to CCIAI.

4.2 Outstanding Dues: Members are required to settle any outstanding dues or financial obligations to CCIAI before or on the effective date of termination.

  1. Confidentiality Obligations

5.1 Confidentiality Continues: Members shall continue to uphold any confidentiality obligations outlined in agreements or policies even after termination.

5.2 Protection of CCIAI Interests: Termination does not release members from obligations related to the protection of CCIAI’s interests, including intellectual property and proprietary information.

  1. Reapplication for Membership

6.1 Reapplication: Members who have voluntarily terminated their membership may reapply for membership at any time. Reapplication will be subject to the current membership application process and approval by CCIAI.

  1. Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or require clarification regarding Termination Policies, please contact us at [email protected].